*** WooCommerce Payment Express PX Post Gateway Changelog *** 2017.12.12 - version 2.1 * Upgraded for WooCommerce 3. * WooCommerce Subscriptions support removed. 2016.08.24 - version 1.23 * A datepicker (3rd party) implemented for Card expiry date 2016.06.28 - version 1.22 * Now plugin is compatible with Woocommerce 2.6.1 * Ajax loader image fixed on checkout message box 2016.02.10 - version 1.21 * Bug fixed related to AMEX cards to accept "APPROVED (00)" as valid transaction 2015.11.17 - version 1.2 * Bug fixed related to shipping cost not being included in total cost 2015.10.23 - version 1.1 * CVV field added 2015.09.08 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release!