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Die einzige Zahlungslösung, die vollständig in Woo integriert ist. Akzeptiere Kredit- und Debitkartenzahlungen sowie lokale Zahlungsoptionen – ohne Einrichtungskosten oder monatliche Gebühren.

Adding WooCommerce Payments supporting Iceland

Adding Iceland to supported countries for WooCommerce will be a great step, Iceland is maybe a small island with roughly 400.000 residents, but it’s economy is well highly rising and very stable.

Many companies will surely support this in Iceland, companies that use and other services provided by them and WooCommerce.

Since Iceland is not on the supported list, it would be a very good idea to add the country to the list of supportions, because Iceland is a very big influence to the world and a center of business worldwide, adding this country will not only improve WooCommerce, it will also intergrade more popularity to the WooCommerce payments platform.

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Last updated: June 6, 2022

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