Manage Your Woo Marketplace Partner Account

Partners selling on the Woo Marketplace can edit their store profile and update their support email from the Partner dashboard. For some changes, we ask that you contact the Marketplace team for help.

To access store settings, click the Store menu under Settings in the partner dashboard.

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When you first join the WooCommerce Marketplace, we’ll ask you to complete the Business Legal Name and Business Contact Address fields. These allow us to set up an account for you on our accounting platform so you can get paid for your extension sales.

Screenshot of settings for the top of the WooCommerce Marketplace Partner Dashboard.

If you make changes to the Business Name, you’ll see a prompt to resign the Partner Agreement. Please click on Partner Agreement in the left menu, scroll down and tick the box to agree, then save. If the business name changes to a new entity after you have started selling, we will reach out about setting up a new accounting profile.

To change your vendor name, please contact us.

Vendor Logo and Profile

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Your vendor logo and profile are a great way to tell more about yourself and your company to prospective customers! This will appear at the public profile for your brand along with your extensions.

Screenshot of logo and profile settings in the WooCommerce Marketplace Partner Dashboard.
  • Do: Upload a logo for your company that doesn’t include the WooCommerce brand or trademark.
  • Do: Tell your brand story. Why are you a great WooCommerce partner?
  • Do: Link to your website homepage (optional). Use the same URL listed in your vendor profile if you opt to include it.
  • Don’t: Link to other products you sell outside of
  • Don’t: Link to another contact form other than the contact page.

Other Settings

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Required settings:

  • Vendor Email: Where we send updates about orders and any other communication.
  • Support Email: The address that will receive support and presales requests.
  • Website: Your company’s website. This will not be displayed on your vendor profile.

Optional settings:

  • Average Response Time: List in hours, not currently shown on profiles.
  • Privacy Policy URL: A link to the privacy policy on your website.
  • Support Languages: Languages in which you offer support.
  • TOS URL: A link to the terms of service on your website.
  • Timezone: Timezone setting, not displayed.
Screenshot of other settings in the WooCommerce Marketplace Partner Dashboard.


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Additional tools to help you with vendor information are at Settings > Tools in the vendor dashboard.

Google Analytics

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Add your own Google Analytics tag to your vendor dashboard to get insights on the pages for your products and profile. See these steps for information on how to sign up and get your Tag ID.

Screenshot of field to add Google Analytics in the vendor dashboard.

Customer Subscription Details

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Type in a customer email and press enter to verify their account owns your product and qualifies for support.

Vendor Details

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Need to know how to reach another vendor? Type the vendor name and hit Enter to see their support email address.

Changelog Validator

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Test your changelog.txt file to ensure that it meets Woo Marketplace standards by copying the text of the file and pasting it into the text box. You can also use our ChatGPT Changelog Formatter to automatically revise your existing changelog to use in your extension.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I add someone to help me manage my products?

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We can add additional Vendor Admins to your profile at your request. Vendor Admins can assist with updating products and documentation as well as view sales reports, reviews, and feature requests.

To request another admin, contact us using the link in your dashboard or email using your current partner account email. Please ensure they have created a account with two-step authentication enabled first.