WooCommerce Conditional Content

Allows you to display content on your store based on a set of rules that you configure.

Add Textdomain for WPML & Polylang

Hello. One of my customers bought your plugin. He gave me the plugin to translate into Arabic. But you forgot some strings to be translatable.
For example, this file. Line 34:


Of course, I was able to do it myself.

add_meta_box( ‘wccc_settings’, __(‘Output Settings’,’wc_conditional_content’), array($instance, ‘settings_metabox’), ‘wccc’, ‘side’, ‘low’ );
add_meta_box( ‘wccc_rules’,

__(‘Rules’,’wc_conditional_content’), array($instance, ‘rules_metabox’), ‘wccc’, ‘normal’, ‘high’ );



Estado actual


Última actualización: enero 31, 2023

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