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Email on invoice or payment failure

Listing failures in order comments doesn’t scale on larger stores. Some clients then have to manually audit and cross reference their accounts to see which invoices failed and on which orders.

Could the developers either add a hook on failure which we can hook into, or add a feature where an email can be sent listing the order number and error information.


Estado actual


Última actualización: agosto 9, 2019

3 comentarios

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  1. Luther says:

    I completely agree.

    We find that the connection to Xero randomly drops (or perhaps it’s on a schedule, it’s not clear). There is no notification and from that moment all invoice / payment sending will fail, and have to be manually actioned order by order.

    It’s a huge oversight.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Notifications should be added in – is the store owner expected to check the order notes on each purchase for a potential failure?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Plus 1