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Con Stripe, puedes aceptar las principales tarjetas de débito y crédito y los métodos de pago locales.

Include Klarna as part of the Stripe payment gateway


Estado actual


Última actualización: septiembre 4, 2019

6 comentarios

Conéctate para comentar esta solicitud de funcionalidad.

  1. millandanae4 says:
    Product Developer abril 16, 2024: 4:07 pm

    Hey folks! Quick update here, we’re on this.
    You can follow the progress of this feature in the GitHub issue we have for this https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/issues/3003

  2. passionsadmin says:

    Hi, is there any update on this?

  3. didafactory says:

    Update on this feature request?

  4. jrsansom says:

    Bump. Update on this feature request?

  5. Heather says:

    Is there an update on whether this feature is going to be implemented and if so, when?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes please! Offering paying after receiving is manditory in the Netherlands.