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Product Add-ons

Ofrece complementos para los productos, como envoltorios de regalo, mensajes especiales u otras opciones.

Product add-ons should change weight of product

When you have product add-ons with an appreciable amount of weight relative to the base product, the total weight of the product that is added to the cart should be adjusted to reflect the additional add-on. If I sell a picture that weighs 2 pounds, and a product add-on, e..g, a picture frame, that weighs 1 pound, then the the picture and frame combo added to the cart should weigh 3 pounds for purposes of shipping.

The FedEx Extension just pulls in rates for the original product without consideration to the add-ons. Also, the Invoice and Packing List Extension generates packing lists that only show the weight of the original product and completely exclude the weight of the add-ons.

This to me is a major problem that should have been addressed before the plugin was even released.


Estado actual


Última actualización: julio 19, 2017

2 comentarios

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  1. Anonymous says:

    agreed. sad to see that after 4 years, this feature is still missing..

  2. Anonymous says:

    I agree 100%, how on earth items that are added to a product can be weightless for shipping purposes according to WooCommerce is beyond comprehension.