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Shipment tracking: UI improvements

When “Add Tracking Number” is clicked, the form field “Tracking Number” should automatically receive focus.

As seen by the other ideas about this plugin – it is a bottleneck in the fulfilment process, because of the lack of bulk options and the missing “add tracking number” in the orders list. Therefore, every other possible improvement to the UI should be implemented to save the packing personal as many clicks as possible. The above will remove one click for most orders.

1. click “Add Tracking number”
2. (optional): change shipping provider
3. click to focus field “Tracking Number”
4. Scan barcode on parcel to fill in tracking number

1. Click “Add tracking number”
2. auto-focus/ set cursor into “Tracking Number” field
3. (optional: change provider. if changed, give focus to “Tracking Number again)
4. Scan barcode.

Will save 1 click. With 250 orders a day that’s quite some clicks saved.


Estado actual


Última actualización: septiembre 18, 2019

1 comentario

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  1. Happy says:

    I agree wholeheartedly – the ability to scan a tracking number into the WooCommerce App should be included absolutely