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Product Vendors

Convierte tu tienda en un mercado con varios proveedores.

Term & Conditions and Shipping Information

In my country, and i think in a lot of countries, is mandatory that the client who buys a product has acces to the term & conditions. In a multi vendor site, each vendor should have their own term & conditions (including refunds, warranties, product return conditions….).

This information, ideally, should be enter once (for example in store settings) and I think one pretty way to display this information could be adding two new tabs that display automatically in all products:

1. Term & Conditions of the Vendor.
2. Shipping Information

and also in the Vendor profile page.

Each time a vendor update this information, admin aproval should be required, if not, it makes no sense as someone with bad intentions could change his terms as they need…


Estado actual


Última actualización: agosto 15, 2022

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