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Product Add-ons

Ofrece complementos para los productos, como envoltorios de regalo, mensajes especiales u otras opciones.

use different VAT rates in Product Add-ons

use different VAT rates in Product Add-ons, so you can combine a product of 21% VAT with an Product Add-on of 9% VAT


Estado actual


Última actualización: septiembre 5, 2019

3 comentarios

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  1. AJ Howarth says:

    I agree. My client sells bottled gas. Most people just want a refill – which is charged at the reduced rate of 5%. However, if they don’t have their own cylinder, they are required to pay a deposit (an addon) – which is charged at 20%.

  2. Ryan says:

    I sell classes, and offer rentals of gear. Classes are not taxable, but rentals are. I want to be able to not tax the product, but tax the rentals as an add on so customers don’t have to click around to a different page to add rental gear.

  3. lb says:

    I am having the same problem, would like to see an option to set the tax for the addons.