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Pinterest for WooCommerce

Get your products in front of Pinterest users searching for ideas and things to buy. Connect your WooCommerce store to make your entire catalog browsable.

Add the ability to use parent product name for variations

When Pinterest pulls data from Woocommerce product variables, it uses the default variable as the product title for Pinterest. It would be ideal if we could choose different import settings.

Currently, the plugin pulls the default product variation attribute for the Pin and its link also points to the default attribute, which is not necessary in my case.

For example, I would need the product main title and not the variation title that comes with the size.

So, instead of seeing this on Pinterest: ” Product variation name – size ” and the link pointing to “…/shop/category/procuct-title/?attribute_pa_size= ”

I would like this: ” Product name ” and the link to “…/shop/category/procuct-title/ “


Current Status


Last updated: May 27, 2022


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