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WooCommerce Order Barcodes

Génère un code-barres unique pour chaque commande passée sur votre site. Parfait pour les tickets électroniques, les bons de livraison, les réservations et diverses autres utilisations.

include barcodes on products WooCommerce

include barcodes on products without having to get through a plugin would be a great idea for businesses with small physical store and warehouses.


Current Status


Last updated: février 4, 2015

2 commentaires

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  1. Balades Sonores says:

    Sounds like 101 feature indeed, would be most welcome !

  2. jorge says:

    I agree!

    Barcodes for EN13 to, and in product and variations to…
    with option to display our not in frontend…
    Don’t need another 3dparty plugin…