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Product Vendors

Transformer votre boutique en un marché multi-fournisseur

Product Vendors – Inactive [wcpv_inactive]

‘Most online stores have Vendors that:
– take some time to add all their products before you want them live in your store, or
– they need to be taken out of the store temporarily, or
– you no longer carry their products.

You can’t delete these Inactive Vendors, due too you need them for reporting, accounting and many other valid reasons.

In the Vendor Profile just check the “Inactive” box and they get taken out of the online store instantly.

Look for it in the next update, if we get enough votes to make it essential. Thank you for your consideration. 🙂


Current Status


Last updated: août 15, 2022

1 commentaire

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  1. Mohammed Saleh says:

    Wonderful idea