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Points et récompenses WooCommerce

Récompensez vos clients pour leurs achats et d’autres actions en leur octroyant des points à échanger contre des remises.

reward people with points if they invite others to be registered and submit an order

Hello team,

In the plugin points and rewards is it possible in the future to add an option to reward people with points if they invite others to be registered and submit an order?

Something like, if you invite a friend and he submit an order you and him will recibe 500 points.

That will be awesome.

Kind regards,


Current Status


Last updated: novembre 14, 2016

1 commentaire

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  1. Ian B. MacDonald says:

    I added this idea to

    The other end of this is to accept the email of a an existing subscriber as the referrer when just signing up normally; Then it supports the word of mouth referral which is easier to execute.