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Slide out sidebar on mobiles

We use sidebar most for filtering products. On mobile devices the sidebar goes bellow content. This is not the best user experience. Instead it would be useful if we have an option to make the sidebar slide out on mobile devices on click of a button under header.


Current Status


Last updated: avril 24, 2016

4 commentaires

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  1. Kathleen Anthony says:


    Can you tell me that when you try to*****-key take or upload products than what error occurs from your mobile???

  2. Anonymous says:

    With elementor, you can put the sidebar above the content, but it still is not appealing on the eye. Sliding Side bar for filters is one of my top requests as well

  3. Anonymous says:

    This should be a priority.

  4. Andrei says:

    We have the exact same problem!

    Another possible solution would be to have the sidepanel prompt first in order and then the content?

    Is this possible?