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Store Credit pour WooCommerce

par  Kestrel
Fournissez des codes promo sous forme de crédit de boutique qui sont échangeables lors de la validation de la commande. Envoyez du crédit à vos clients pour l’utiliser dans de futurs achats ou permettez-leur d’offrir du crédit à quelqu’un.

Smart Coupons need to be a feature where you can give Credits/Coupons in “Time” to customers for business owners who own spaces.

or Store Credit in (time) hour slots. (i.e Studio business owners)



Current Status


Last updated: juillet 27, 2022

1 commentaire

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  1. Themesquad says:
    Product Developer juillet 27, 2022 : 10:37

    Thanks for taking the time and leaving a feature request!

    We didn’t fully understand what you mean by this feature request. We encouraged you to contact our support team to further assist with the development of this feature request.

    If you have any other feature requests, please let us know.