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Éditeur des champs de validation de la commande

Optimisez votre processus de validation de commande en ajoutant, supprimant ou modifiant des champs en fonction de vos besoins.

Use WooCommerce filter, instead of harcoding stuff

Let’s take the date field as an example.
The function ‘wc_checkout_fields_date_picker_field’ is creating the markup for fields of the type ‘date’

The classes for the input field are hard coded to ‘checkout-date-picker input-text’, instead of using ‘$args[‘input_class’]’.
This way all other classes are discarded.

Using ‘woocommerce_form_field_args’ to add the input classes or a new filter would be really great to be able to alter things.

Right now the addon breaks the styling of some themes.


Current Status


Last updated: juin 9, 2016

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