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Returns and Warranty Requests

Gérez le processus d’autorisation de retour de marchandise (RMA), ajoutez des garanties aux produits et permettez aux clients de demander et de gérer les retours/échanges depuis leur compte.

Warranty Notifications

I don’t see any notifications when a customer makes a warranty request and there doesn’t seem to be a Dashboard widget for Warranties that are requested or pending.


Current Status


Last updated: avril 7, 2020

1 commentaire

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  1. Paul Ogle says:

    same! It would be great if there were a little red flag or something to call out that there is new activity in the ‘Warranties’ section. Example, if you had requested a tracking number then they followed up with one a day later and it would indicate that there was an update with one of your returns in the side menu. You wouldn’t know otherwise.