WooCommerce Waitlist

Avec WooCommerce Waitlist, les clients peuvent s’inscrire pour recevoir des notifications par e-mail lorsque les produits en rupture de stock sont à nouveau disponibles.

When product is back in stock, remove from list only those that managed to buy it

If a product is back in stock and mailout is sent to all on the waitlist, do not automatically remove anyone from the waitlist, unless they actually buy the product.
This is important for cases where number of the people on the waitlist is higher than restock amount. Not everyone will get a chance to buy and they should be notified again later when it is in stock again.


Neil Miller

Current Status


Last updated: juillet 20, 2022

1 commentaire

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  1. Joe Gilham says:

    By adding a filter to your theme’s functions.php file you can stop customers being removed from the waitlist when they are emailed. By default, the plugin will automatically remove any customers when they purchase a product which should suit the needs mentioned here.

    Here is a link to this filter in the documentation: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-waitlist/#section-29