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WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro

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WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro

Filter sort all the reviews and not only sort the reviews on the current page.

Now we have 33 pages of reviews for a single product. How can the filter options sort all the reviews and not only sort the reviews on the current page.


Current Status


Last updated: août 2, 2016

6 commentaires

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  1. aleks99 says:

    Helpful info, thanks

  2. alexx66 says:

    And calling on the administrators, I would like to point out the spam here. I mran this:

  3. alexx66 says:

    Thank you for this!
    Can i talk with someone about this product? I mean personal order?

  4. dbrhmagee says:


  5. saintotis12 says:

    That is all the helpful information I needed. I appreciate you sharing.

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