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WooCommerce Order Barcodes

Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site — perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses.


I would like to help make WooCommerce into a basic POS system using a barcode scanner to scan products in and out of WooCommerce.

It would be able to add SKU as per barcode and add and remove inventory as well.


Current Status


Last updated: March 22, 2012

4 commenti

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  1. camlitfestadmin says:

    QR Codes need to be scanned and validated against ticket purchase in one step without submitting a form

  2. Benjamin Goddard says:

    Yes, Woocommerce should have an app with a barcode scanner just like Street Invoice or Starkode’s App suite! If these three combined in to one suite, that would be even better!