We are pleased to announce a new addition to our growing portfolio of WooThemes Tumblr based themes – it’s called Snippet.

The Snippet home page serves as a showcase of all your latest Tumblr posts, neatly arranged and categorized thanks to clean iconography and a very flexible JS Masonry powered grid layout (that we’ve previously used on a WordPress theme – Mortar). You’ll notice some Generate theme influences we’ve included, based on its recent track record.
You might notice that the icons we have used throughout this theme are from the Pictos icon set that we released with Drew Wilson earlier this week.

Sometimes when designing a theme I find it’s best to take the approach of designing exactly what it is that I want from a Tumblr theme, rather than trying to think what our large user base want. That’s the approach I took when designing this theme: I personally wanted something clean and spacious, all the while presenting as many snippets of content I’ve found on the interwebs that I find interesting. I hope other Tumblr users feel the same way and enjoy this theme…
If you are a Tumblr user head on over to the theme page to purchase this theme. I’ve already got it running on my personal site, and I might add the Tumblr checkout process is fine piece of user interface work. Purchase the theme if for that reason only… 😉
I’m a big fan of free and open source publishing platforms (like WordPress & Drupal).
Young companies like Tumblr have a closed source proprietary publishing platform that is now struggling to find a profit model.
You never know if their CEO will one day decide they need to plaster ads all over your (their) page or cloak links to drive ad revenue (like Posterous recent did). To me this is too risky of a platform for personal or business use.
I suggest that WooThemes continue to make their beautiful and fantastic themes for publishing platforms that we can actually *own* ourselves.
Tumblr is a company that is popular right now, but eventually they will have to pay back their venture capital investors and find a way to pay for all of the bandwidth and expensive system resources that people are using for free.
Thank you for the hard work you’ve put into this theme. It really is beautiful. I simply have strong opinions about companies like Tumblr.
Yeah. We need to at least have some WordPress versions of the themes.
Remember when Blogger was big? What about the recent Ning fiasco? I like to have control over my content. Most of what Tumblr does can be accomplished by WordPress, and I would much prefer WP tumbleblog themes that can optionally give you a Tumblr-style posting interface.
Tumblr is great for casual users without the experience to run their own website, but I think the largest percentage of WooThemes customers would be more inclined to host their own blog.
We have an exclusivity clause with Tumblr with regards to the themes we release on there, which is why we won’t release similar WP versions. We do however have another tumblog design (by designer, Rogie King) in the backlog which will be released on WooThemes & WordPress.
So watch out for that! 🙂
I agree that there should be some reservations in putting a business site up using a free service like tumblr, but then again, these great themes are not at the same price point for that very reason.
On a side note, is there still going to be an iPhone app from woothemes?
Yep, the iPhone app (due to it being a very new field for us) is just taking longer than expected.
Your comment makes a lot of sense and in broad terms I would agree with you. Note however that it is not our responsibility or strategy to force any one platform onto our users; so if some decide to use Tumblr over WP, then we should enable, rather than limit that decision.
Our main focus remains on WP, which is where most of our innovation happens, so you can at least rest assured that this won’t change in the near future. 🙂
Hi Mark, I just purchased this theme but how to add latest tweet to the sidebar? I can’t find any twitter username under appearance menu.
I use custom html and replace {TwitterUsername} with my twitter username but it not works.
Revert back to the original theme (i.e. the unmodified version) and you will then find the Twitter option under the “Services” tab –> http://cl.ly/6adcf02e1277e326f740
Hi Mark, I have purchased 3 of your themes including this one. Big Woo fan.
Are you at any point considering incorporating an easy way to include Tweetmeme and Facebook Like buttons to be an option on the bottom of each post area on the themes you have put out. In a future update, possibly? I have noticed that this feature is incorporated on at least one of the new premium Tumblr themes…
I lowe the single content post page. Is it possible to disable the snipet homepage and arrange the posts in the homepage with the full width of the page as in the single post content pages?
Thanks and regards,
I don’t think that is possible without recoding the theme.
Unfortunately I don´t know how to recode the theme Magnus but it would definetely be a really neat theme. Please check again simple post content pages (specially pictures and video) and see what I mean. They look awasame:
I am thinking of a photo and video theme with ability to add text comments to them. I would definetely buy one of those.
Just a suggestion.
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