New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Brand and logo guidelines

Please follow these guidelines to maintain our brand integrity. If you have any questions about the WooCommerce brand elements, please contact us at

Our brand

The Woo wordmark represents our brand or company as a whole. Three colorways of the Woo wordmark are available to support legibility and brand consistency on a variety of background colors.

Full color

Monochrome white

Monochrome black


Our signature color is purple, and various shades of purple serve as our core color palette. These colors are essential components of our brand identity.



Our primary font is Proxima Nova, a vibrant bold grotesque typeface we use mainly for headers. We use the Geometric Sans Style Set.

How can Woo help you?


Our secondary font is Inter. We use Inter for body copy and small text.

Every business is unique, and every store should be too. WooCommerce empowers you to build, sell, and grow on your terms. Our WordPress-powered platform offers fully customizable ecommerce, for less.

Woo is an Automattic company

Are you looking for another Automattic product logo or images? Check out all of the Automattic brand materials.