7 more WooCommerce goodies

Escrito por James Koster on julho 5, 2012 Blog, Product News.

It’s that time of the week again! Today we’ve a shipment of 7 new WooCommerce extensions including Cart Notices, Ambassador affiliate integration, Customer/Order csv imports and 4 more gateways.

WooCommerce now offering referral tracking thanks to Ambassador

At WooThemes we are firm believers in the power of an affiliate system. Our passionate and loyal community have been great brand ambassador’s of our products, helping refer us to a much wider audience through promoting us on their social networks and websites.

Recently we’ve moved our affiliates system to Zferral for much more detailed and accurate referral tracking and affiliate management. Having got to know the guys at Zferral we are very pleased to announce we’ve know partnered with them on their sister site Ambassador to offer WooCommerce users a similar referral system to promote and track their sales.

Ambassador affiliate program integration

Ambassador is a social affiliate program that tracks and manages word of mouth marketing. It’s an extensive end-to-end referral solution for your ecommerce store.

This extension offers you a way to seamlessly integrate Ambassador’s service into your WooCommerce powered store.

Developed in-house by Hugh Lashbrooke.

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Tweet about your experience with Ambassador and WooCommerce using the hashtag “#Woobassador” and the guys at Ambassador will be picking spot winners of free credit for their accounts. The value of these is potentially several thousand dollars or more.

Cart Notices

The Cart Notices plugin helps you increase sales and customer satisfaction by displaying dynamic, actionable messages to your customers as they check out. Encourage your customer to add just one more item with a message offering free shipping based on the amount in their cart. Capture that sale with a notice like “Checkout within the next 10 minutes and your order ships today!”. Easily create as many notices as you like based on a particular product or product category in the cart, among other criteria.

Developed by Justin Stern.

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Customer/Order CSV Import Suite

Mass import hundreds, even thousands of customers and orders into your WooCommerce store with the Customer/Order CSV Import Suite. This user-friendly importer will import customers with a minimum of fuss, and import orders and link them to your shop’s customers and products. With a relatively simple and forgiving import format this is an ideal tool when migrating an existing shop on a different ecommerce platform to WooCommerce, allowing you to maintain your customer accounts and order history.

Developed by Justin Stern.

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Beanstream Gateway

Beanstream is a Canada based payment processor and this gateway allows you to accept payment by credit card on your WooCommerce site!

The customer enters their credit card number, expiration month, expiration year, and cvv and Beanstream handles the authorization and settlement. The customer stays on your site for a seamless checkout experience.

Developed by Daniel Espinoza.

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Wirecard Gateway

Wirecard gateway combines the integration of more than 12 payment methods into on simple to install and use plugin. Wirecard integration will allow you to accept and integrate payments from not only credit/debit cards like Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, JCB, Maestro, but also from other payment systems like PayPal, GiroPay, iDeal, SafeCard, Mobile Payment (paybox, Orange, T-Mobile, tele.ring, A1) and many more. You can visit the Wirecard website for a full list of accepted payments.

Developed by Ivan Andreev.

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PayU India Gateway

PayU India is a gateway plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to take payments via PayU. PayU cooperates with Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards and Debit cards. This means, that you easily can take credit card payments as well as direct payments via any of the associated banks.

Developed by Daniel Dudzic.

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Cardstream Gateway

The CardStream gateway plugin lets you accept credit card payments via a secure, hosted payment page. Because CardStream handle the payment process for you, no SSL certificate is required on your site.

CardStream’s affordable online payment gateway enables your business to accept all major payment methods and credit and debit cards, including Diners, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Maestro and JCB.

Developed by Andrew Benbow.

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17 Responses

  1. luke
    julho 5, 2012 at 4:35 pm #

    Out of interest do you guys still keep a keen eye on ideas.woocommerce.com ?

    Really pushing for Xero integration with Woocommerce (63 votes and counting).


    There’s some growing demand for it over at Xero too.


    The ideas board doesn’t seem to get feedback from WT anymore.

    • Ryan Ray
      julho 5, 2012 at 6:23 pm #

      Sorry if we’re not giving any feedback on WooIdea, but we do watch over it. We’ll be sure to be more vigilant for you. 🙂

    • Adii
      julho 5, 2012 at 6:31 pm #

      We have a Xero extension going into beta audit next week. 🙂

      • Craig
        julho 5, 2012 at 6:46 pm #

        That’s the most fantastic news in the whole world. Ever. Well, in terms of Woo and Xero anyway.

      • Tim
        julho 6, 2012 at 3:55 pm #

        Looking forward to the Xero extension.

      • luke
        julho 11, 2012 at 5:54 pm #


    • Peter Ricci
      julho 5, 2012 at 10:11 pm #

      I second that with Xero, one of the fastest growing accounting packages on offer

  2. MIchael
    julho 5, 2012 at 6:28 pm #

    OOH yes! that mass order and customer import will save me a couple bux from that third party vendor you guys were advertising!

  3. Rachael Butts
    julho 5, 2012 at 7:59 pm #

    Killing it! Love the cart notices! 🙂

  4. Peter Mead
    julho 6, 2012 at 2:26 pm #

    I think the offering of an affiliate tracking is a good one for sure.

  5. David Clark
    julho 6, 2012 at 9:25 pm #

    Whilst the CSV import looks a useful tool for some – is there the ability in it, or some other extension, to be able to import bulk discount codes. I am working on a site which will be promoting with Groupon – I know I can set each to work one time only – but I’m trying to work out a way of importing all the codes supplied and entering a few hundred by hand – even cut and past – is not a real option!

    • Justin Stern
      julho 9, 2012 at 6:00 am #

      The Customer/Order CSV import does not support importing bulk discount codes, nor does any other plugin that I’m aware of. It is an interesting idea though

      • David Clark
        julho 9, 2012 at 11:10 am #

        I did see that as an extension for another wordpress commerce platform which got me thinking about it.

        With Groupon and all the other companies selling vouchers – all of which have to be validated, I’d of thought it would make a great extension….. Need a beta tester? 😉

  6. Steve Walsh
    julho 8, 2012 at 3:53 pm #

    I will be launching a Woothemes site soon. Please consider integrating International Checkout.

    I used this before & for folks worldwide who want to purchase USA products, it’s efficient & fraud free.

  7. elitenemesis
    julho 9, 2012 at 9:53 am #

    Whatever happened to the Allied Wallet payment gateway extension? Hasn’t this been planned for ages already?

  8. allmyhoney
    julho 9, 2012 at 10:25 am #

    Howdy folks, there was a video here with this extension Commission King http://woocommerce.com/extension/commission-king/ has this been removed is this extension still being worked on? cheers