New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Happy Holiday Sale

Can you believe 2012 is almost over? It’s been a huge year for us at WooThemes – we’ve grown, matured and learnt some valuable business lessons. The team have operated most of this year at 110% so we are all looking forward to a little downtime before kickstarting 2013 with some big releases.

Before we enjoy some festive family time we’ve decided to offer you one last Christmas present.

Discount Coupon

Get 30% off all our WordPress products, valid until 31st December, 2012. Just use “JOLLYGOOD” as your coupon code on checkout.

The JOLLYGOOD discount applies to:

The coupon is not valid with either of our theme club memberships. Club members already benefit from similar product discounts.

To make it abundantly clear where to add the coupon code on your cart page see the below screenshot.

Giving back

Whilst our Christmas promotion benefits you our customers, we want to ensure the money you spend with us over this Christmas period is far reaching. We’ve decided to share a portion of the profits with a South African based animal charity called “African Tails“.

African Tails is close to our hearts as our office superhero, Dominique, spends all her spare time helping out this organisation that cares for abused and neglected street dogs. Visit their Facebook page to see the good work they are doing around Cape Town.

Don’t waste any time. Get your WordPress products now and supercharge your website for 2013!

This promotion is valid until midnight on 31 December 2012 (UTC time).
Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. xenergy
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Hi Woo,
    I’m interested in joining the Theme Club Membership, and I tried to apply the coupon during checkout for the theme club, but it’s not working.
    Do you have any Christmas discount or coupons for the theme club membership?

    Thank you.

    • wdh
      Woo staff
      dezembro 24, 2012

      Hey There

      Unfortunately the coupon doesn’t work with any of our memberships, I’ve updated the post to reflect that. Still a pretty good deal on some of our awesome products though 🙂

  2. inveress
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Coupon discount is the same as the normal subscriber discount and doesn’t stack, so no real incentive for subscribers to buy anything. Sorry for being so mercenary at Christmas time… 🙂

    • Ryan Ray
      janeiro 2, 2013

      Think of this as that you have year round access to 30% off, much better than a coupon only valid for a week or two. 😉

  3. bsmity
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Great cause, I will be jumping on this deal and feeling good about it!

  4. sstern
    dezembro 24, 2012

    I’m a little saddened that you decided to release this promotion just 12 hours or so after I first discovered your website to buy my first wordpress theme (ever). Any chance of a rebate on my first order?

    • svenaldo
      dezembro 24, 2012

      please send us an email info[at] and we will see if there is something we can work out for you.

      • dezpfab
        dezembro 25, 2012

        Hi, Same story for me. I’ve sent you my details, no answer 🙁

        • Marc Waxler
          dezembro 26, 2012

          They’re busy trying to fix the software that runs the site because it doesn’t work. So they can sell more of it.

    • Marc Waxler
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Wouldn’t it be awesome if Woothemes actually used their software to run a report of the customers of the past 7 days and contacted them with some sort of special offer to coordinate a special discount for them, in a way giving them something for their purchase, and perhaps encouraging a follow up purchase, much in the way technology manages customer relationships and maximizes both revenues and customer satisfaction.

      Instead, Woothemes is spending the day trying to figure out why their software doesn’t work on their own website.

      So they can get back to trying to sell more of it.


  5. sabinam
    dezembro 24, 2012


    I wanted to buy both woocommerce extensions and a theme today. First I couldn’t add the theme and the extensions in the shopping cart simultaneously. So I decided to checkout first with the extensions and then with the theme. Everything went well with purchasing the extensions with this coupon. However now that I try to purchase the theme, when I apply the coupon, the shopping cart goes empty and I can not checkout. I am so disappointed. If you intended to make this coupon only one time use, then you should write that in the newsletter and here. Second if you offer the discount both on extensions and themes you should make possible that one can purchase several items at once.

    To make clear I am not trying to purchase membership. Only a single theme.

    • sabinam
      dezembro 24, 2012

      OK, I am sorry for my previous reply. It seems this is a bug in Firefox. I tried several times and managed to checkout with safari. I was just frustrated with this in Firefox where my cart was going empty each time I put the coupon in.

      • Mark Forrester
        Woo staff
        dezembro 24, 2012

        Glad to hear you managed to get sorted in the end. Sorry to hear of your frustrations. Email us if you have any further problems and we’ll try sort you out asap.

      • Petet
        dezembro 24, 2012

        If this is a bug in Firefox, it’s also a bug present in Chrome. I had the same problem (cart emptying itself when coupon applied).

        • MDPaige
          dezembro 25, 2012

          I’m having the same problem, when I try to add more then one item to my cart it removes previous items I’ve added.

      • Marc Waxler
        dezembro 26, 2012

        It’s not a bug in Firefox, it’s a bug in the Woo software. If you can’t checkout in Firefox, what makes you think Firefox did something wrong? (Hint: They didn’t.)

  6. deanuk
    dezembro 24, 2012

    I’ll be using this fantastic offer to check out your developer package and lifetime support. Many thanks!

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all at WooThemes 🙂

  7. Nathan Devine
    dezembro 24, 2012


    Thanks for the discount promo and for donating to charity, a very noble cause!

    Just trying to apply the code to but when I add it to the cart and try to enter the code it says the cart is empty. I have tried both Safari & Firefox.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    • Marc Waxler
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Yes, it seems that you might like to think twice about whether or not WooThemes produces properly functional products, and perhaps evaluate other alternatives, since we seem to have so much evidence here today in this comment thread that indeed the products are not reliable or dependable.

  8. robolingua
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Hi, I have used the code and upgraded from standard package, with 3 themes in total, to developer. Thank you for the discount!

    But all themes still says standard and no psd in download? I have got 3 bonus dowmloads though, and they all say developer in the download list.

    Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

    • robolingua
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Thank you Ryan, I now have the psd-files and also one extra bonus theme!

  9. Hal Robertson
    dezembro 24, 2012

    When I saw your email, I thought I’d gotten a second chance to get a discount on the Club Membership. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Looks like Hostgator had a huge success with their Black Friday sale and decided to offer and even BETTER deal last week.

    Sorry to hear you guys didn’t do the same.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      dezembro 24, 2012

      HostGators product is completely different than ours. 😉

      • Hal Robertson
        dezembro 25, 2012

        Fully understand that it’s a different product. Sounds like the promotion you ran on Black Friday was a failure. Otherwise, why not run it again like many other software / hosting companies are doing this week?

        I’d assume you are making your making your money on the monthly subscription fees. Wouldn’t it make sense to offer a decent discount on the front end of your membership product to generate profit for the next year?
        Of course, maybe your average member only hangs around for a few months, making discounting on the front end a losing proposition.

        Your themes look outstanding and I’m probably going to sign on soon, regardless of there being or not being a discount available. Hung on until now to see if I could save a few bucks.

        • asdfgh
          dezembro 25, 2012

          Hal, you’re sounding a bit of a ‘misery guts’ woo tend to have a sale over the Xmas break, normally they give away an extra theme, this time its an actual rebate.

          In terms of Hostgator, their sale was NOTHING special. It was just an amount off the first month. Didn’t motivate me in the slightest. An affilate sale gives a similar bung.

          Start comparing the likes of vbulletin and what it costs versus what these guys offer and how long it lasts etc. Its good value.

          So, its all JOLLYGOOD…

        • Ryan Ray
          Woo staff
          dezembro 26, 2012

          We have some Christmas spirit leftover, shoot us a quick email, Hal. 😉 – support[at]

  10. karijpeters
    dezembro 24, 2012


    I’m super excited to finally buy Canvas Developer with lifetime updates under your JOLLYGOOD offer, but after trying to checkout about 10 times (I was determined), I’m really bummed that either my cart ends up being empty when trying to checkout, or I get as far as adding my address and it times out within seconds. Can you please let us know when the issues are fixed in Chrome and Safari so that we don’t waste time coming back to check if it’s working yet?
    (But please don’t stress about fixing it now while it’s Xmas eve!)

    Have a great Xmas!

  11. pink_ice
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Is there any chance of the extensions hosted on third party sites offering the discount as well? Clicking on some of your extensions take me to another site. The coupon doesn’t work there. 🙁

    • TwoEyesOneImage
      dezembro 24, 2012

      Third party developers are not required, and likely will not give out the same discount. A couple might but the majority will not.

    • James Koster
      dezembro 25, 2012

      Afraid not. They are after-all separate businesses and not a part of WooThemes. It might be worth emailing them though, tis the season and all that!

    • Marc Waxler
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Why would you think a Woo coupon would work for a third party product? Odd.

  12. webjump
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Just bought the Brands extension – love it even more with 30% off!

    Bought the Cloud Zoom the other day though so any chance of a discount off that too?

    Btw how to find out if I’ve received any credits to my account?

    Happy Xmas them and we’ll done for 2012

    • TwoEyesOneImage
      dezembro 24, 2012

      Thats kinda crazy. Cloud Zoom for Woo is a free plugin.

      • webjump
        dezembro 24, 2012

        This one’s responsive but I’ll check the free one also and poly for a refund.

        Many thanks for the heads up!

        Hey, can anyone recommend a good responsive gallery plugin? Just bought slide deck (pretty cool actually) but a next gen type would be great – free or premium?

        Happy Xmas everyone 😉

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Email us if we can help sort out anything related to your account. 🙂 – support[at]

  13. rtcamp
    dezembro 24, 2012

    I am trying to checkout from last 30 minutes.

    Everytime, I hit checkout button, I get “Session expired” error.


    Its ironical that WooCommerce own setup is broken. 😐

    • Marc Waxler
      dezembro 26, 2012

      The word is “ironic”, and the only irony is that you’d still want to buy a product when you have clear and convincing evidence that the product may not work properly, much of the time.

  14. allmyhoney
    dezembro 24, 2012

    seems to be a bug in firefox where cart empties – use safari everyone as it seems to work.

  15. jeremieb
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Not able to check out on Chrome either…bummer.

  16. aby6706
    dezembro 24, 2012

    Thank you for the discount coupon. Unfortunately, I’ve been trying to use the code on an order with 5 extensions for the past 2 hrs on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The cart keeps emptying. Please advise. This has been a very frustrating experience.

  17. Araby Greene
    dezembro 25, 2012

    Finally managed to keep two extensions in cart long enough to check out with coupon by clearing cookies and not using back button to look for second product. Then the transaction was declined although valid credit card was used and all information was correct. Will try again another day…

    I bought another extension a couple of days ago and when I enter the license key, I get a red screen on Chrome with a malware alert because of the redirect.

    Other than that, I’m very impressed with how well WooCommerce and the Subscriptions extension work and are presented in both admin and browser views.

    Merry Christmas!

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Please do email us Araby, we can get your account whitelisted if need be and you should be able to check out from there. Also in that email tell us about your setup that is giving you a redirect. – support[at]

  18. Darrin Stern
    dezembro 25, 2012

    I will be using this tomorrow, thanks for the gift. It will make a nice late Hanukkah present as we look to rebuild our site.

  19. Jelmer
    dezembro 25, 2012


    I am trying to buy the spectrum theme, but when checking out I run into an error. For some reason my shopping car is automatically emptied, so I am not able to confirm the order.

    I tried in both Firefox and internet explorer, but I run into the issue on both.

    Anyone having the same problem?

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Please clear your cache and/or try a different browser and then try checkout again. We are looking into the session timeout issue with our host partner.

      • kkre5775
        dezembro 28, 2012

        When will this problem be sorted? I am still unable to make any purchases because the cart keeps emptying. Are you going to extend the offer deadline to take account of the fact that people have been unable to use the code?


      • evolutionsigns
        dezembro 31, 2012

        I have now tried Chrome and IE to no avail (flushed cache in both browsers).

  20. Marc Waxler
    dezembro 26, 2012

    Unfortunately, when the maker of things to be used on websites has a website that so seriously malfunctions, it makes the purchasers of those things very, very nervous.

    Like figuring out why the default font isn’t working on Chrome, and even though it’s a Chrome issue, fixing it anyway. The site is an absolute eyesore, has been for weeks.

    Like when you want to offer Woo brand hosting, but you got hacked so badly – in fact the worst hacking I have ever heard of – to where you lost all of your own copies of your own code according to your own admission… and had to ask friends and clients to supply you with copies of that code if I recall correctly in order to reconstruct years’ of work. Who the heck goes through the complete and thorough self-destruction that Woo did and thinks that they should sell the very service that they haven’t the first clue about administering for themselves? This is some kind of legendary self-delusion on a grand scale not seen since a certain Iraq war. Just stop already.

    How about a little humility, WooThemes. Please? How do you not think that “oh no, our complete self-destruction means nothing, please, keep depending on us for your livelihood” isn’t some kind of psycho business practice? How do you not think that your company’s very existence is an embarrassment to the entire online and WordPress communities?

    Calling it a sale “on everything” where such sales “on everything” in the past were indeed sales “on everything” and now with a third-party marketplace mean it’s virtually impossible for there to be a sale “on everything”… what’s going on here? How about you choose words that mean something. How about aspiring to some kind of truth? How about aspiring to some kind honesty? How about calling it a “Theme Sale” because it isn’t even close to any kind of sale “on everything”!!!???

    Creating new marketing schemes to raise money after burning the place to the ground this past year how the single most public demonstration of incompetence to ever exist in the history of the internet… and calling it a sale “on everything” when it’s a sale “on very little and not nearly everything”… How about we call it a “fund raiser to help us reconstruct after a decimation of resources much like Post-World-War-2-Europe”?

    People, educate yourselves on the insanity and sheer chutzpah that is “Woo Themes” and “Woo Commerce”. Read the blog entries for 2012 before continuing to embarrass yourself with the desparation of trying to kill yourself trying to buy stuff to make your website work from a company that runs a website that doesn’t work!!!! Does it really make much sense to be trying to make your website work buying things from a company who can’t get their own website to work?


    Woo, why don’t you think about starting over and spending 2013 trying to earn back some credibility from the general public. How about rolling back prices to reflect the competence your company really has. How about reducing theme and theme club prices by 50% so it makes it worth the risk of doing business with you, and when a few thousand people can buy your themes and not have the world and their livelihoods not collapse around them, we can all put just a little faith in Woo again. Do you think Volkswagen was selling cars at premium prices in 1946? No, no they weren’t.

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Did someone have a bad Christmas? I’d be happy to address any questions you might have regarding WooHosting, or any of our other offerings over email. We’ve learnt a lot through our hacking, as we’ve reported in numerous blog posts and have since partnered with a very well known WordPress hosting company – closely partnered with Automattic themselves.

      Regarding our sale – we unfortunately cannot guarantee sales prices on third party extension sites.

      We shall not be rolling back prices or reducing club prices by 50%. That makes no business sense in ensuring our support & development levels (with a staff of nearly 30) that the vast majority of our customers are impressed by. Sorry to hear of your bad experience, we’ll happily refund you for any products you may have bought.

  21. Marc Waxler
    dezembro 26, 2012

    Wait, are we beta testing WooCommerce 2.0 and that’s why it doesn’t work on 75% of the world’s browsers?

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      No we are not running WC 2.0 on our site yet and we’ve had no other reported problems with WC and browser support.

  22. wpnimitz
    dezembro 26, 2012

    The African Tails Logo is not link profile that results 404 page when clicked. Hope you can fixed it 😉

    And its really healthy when some of our earnings will proceed to charity..

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Thanks, fixed up.

  23. James
    dezembro 26, 2012

    It’s sad to see that while woothemes has tried to do something great for the community this holiday, there is the same individual applying negative comments to everything said by other contributors.

    In the 2 years using woothemes products I’ve never had a problem that made me think about going elsewhere. These guys provide a level of support far exceeding anything I’ve seen elsewhere or could expect.

    All I have to say is, merry Christmas, happy holidays, enjoy the new year and keep up the hard work!

    • bsmity
      dezembro 26, 2012


    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      dezembro 26, 2012

      Thanks James and bsmity, it’s only one very vocal person this time around. Definitely a scrooge/grinch to the extreme. Sometimes there isn’t anything you can do about that.

      Your comments and support more than make up for any of it as well! Thanks!

      • Peter
        dezembro 29, 2012

        While I don’t support Marc’s tirade, I don’t see how the response could be said to be down to ‘one very vocal person’. There have been many people with the same problem, myself included.

        While I understand that every new system is at risk from unforseen problems, I can tell you that if an ecommerce site that I had created for a client had had this many problems for this long, I’d be facing some big questions. For a business like Woo to launch a major sale with their primary sales tool (to some extent) non-functional, it really boggles the mind.

        I still like you, Woo, you just frustrate me. 🙂

    • allmyhoney
      dezembro 29, 2012


  24. kkre5775
    dezembro 27, 2012

    Hi, I’ve read all the posts.
    My experience of Woo has been good. Disagree strongly with comments by Marc Waxler. Having said that, I am experiencing the same issues as several other people – namely my cart keeps showing empty when I enter the JOLLYGOOD code.

    Is this likely to be fixed before 31 December? If not, are you going to extend the deadline?


    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      dezembro 27, 2012

      Hi Carol,

      The cart issue should be dissipating as our host fixes it and caches clear, at least to my best knowledge. We will be sure to include you in the special if you can’t get through before then!

      • solarmicah
        dezembro 27, 2012

        I am experiencing similar issues as I try to purchase extensions. At first I got an “empty cart” after I added extensions to my cart. Then I was able to get them in but I would fluctuate between my cart being emptied and a session timeout.

        • szachmat
          dezembro 27, 2012

          Unfortunately I have got the same sessions/caching problem (using FF, Chrome, Opera). It’s a bit frustrating, so please fix it as quick as possible. I can’t buy anything nor use your promo code!

      • Nick
        dezembro 27, 2012


        Same here. I have tried many times. Email sent regarding to the issue.

        Please fix asap. Thanks

      • kkre5775
        dezembro 29, 2012

        Thanks. I’ll keep trying.

  25. asdfgh
    dezembro 27, 2012

    Yeah, I just tried to buy a theme with JOOLYGOOD and it keeps on saying the cart is empty. Its with IE explorer. Given firefox etc have had the same probs I don’t think it would work with them either, if you can add me to the list so I can get it when its patched. Might want to get some ‘user acceptance’ testing done on anything thats going to be out into production…

  26. dialogcrm
    dezembro 27, 2012

    Just made a theme purchase using Safari on Mac which worked fine. It didn’t work on Chrome which is my preferred web browser. I’m hoping you can get that fixed as it does not look good for confidence building. Best wishes for the New Year and rest of the Christmas period.

  27. teknoflash
    dezembro 28, 2012

    Please include me in the special if I can’t get get an order completed before midnight December 31st. I want to purchase several WooCommerce Extensions but so far have been unsuccessful. I was having the best results with Safari on my Windows system but every time a get 3 or 4 products in the cart, and try and add another one, they all disappear. Are we able to use the JOLLYGOOD coupon for more than one purchase? If so, I can try purchasing them one at a time but that isn’t very convenient. Thanks!

  28. Oliver
    dezembro 28, 2012

    Please, add AMEX or PAYPAL …

  29. Dan Tickner
    dezembro 28, 2012

    I currently use your delegate theme, which was purchased via a web designer.
    I have been considering changing the theme but admin the site myself now – so whats the deal with purchasing a new or selection of themes for me to trial….also, are there some that I should avoid unless I want to rewrite my entire site i.e. which ones can I update with the least amount of work?

    Incidentally, my slider has stopped working…anyone got any tips?

  30. ahmad
    dezembro 28, 2012

    Cart still empties on checkout on chrome and on IE it says session expired!!!

    anyone managed to fix this ?

  31. aaafaneh
    dezembro 28, 2012

    update: it only works on Safari!

    • cperrone
      dezembro 28, 2012

      yes, I can confirm it works in Safari (on a Mac at least) if you are quick enough… The first time I tried the session expired even there, but I managed on my second attempt. Chrome and FF still fail.

      • mistresspea
        dezembro 29, 2012

        I have now tried unsuccessfully umpteen times – tried every browser possible, pc and mac – emptied cache – either ‘cart empty’ or ‘your session has expired’. On Safari on the Mac three times. Just want to mention this so i can be included in the deal after the deadline if I haven’t managed before. cheers.

  32. Jimmor395
    dezembro 30, 2012

    I tried to order with IE and it didn’t work either! Damn
    Please get back to me ASAP, I need the theme update, yesterday.
    I want the JOLLYGOOD discount that expires 12/31.


  33. Jimmor395
    dezembro 30, 2012

    I just tried on a Mac, using Safari, doesn’t work!

    • Jimmor395
      dezembro 30, 2012

      I got through. I entered my contact info first, so I could get through the checkout quickly and got through OK

      • Mark Forrester
        Woo staff
        dezembro 31, 2012

        Thanks for your persistence Jim!

  34. lisabethweber
    dezembro 30, 2012

    Also want to document that I’ve tried a bazillion times (ok, not a bazillion, but y’know) to purchase Canvas to no avail. Have left a message via twitter, email, etc. I’m sure you’re busy, but I had planned on working on my website all day today, and now the day is gone. As folks above, I’ve gotten several of the following messages, “Cart is empty” “Session expired” “Sorry, transaction declined”, etc., along with the puzzling screen that says my transaction is happening on 12/30, when today is 12/29.

    I’ve also cleared the cache, and tried on multiple browsers on a mac.

    I had another question about support as well; please reference email from today.

    There’s lotsa bigger fish to fry in this world, but I’m sure you’d like your woo-ers to be happy campers, so hope to hear from you asap.

    Thanks much.

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 31, 2012

      Sorry to hear of your troubles Lisa. We were looking into the issues yesterday which seem to have been caused by too tight host permissions on the session management. It should be fixed now, but please do email us if you have any other problems.

  35. thebaron24
    dezembro 30, 2012

    Tried to make several purchases but I am also getting the errors talked about. Would like to purchase an extension please…

  36. Ernie M
    dezembro 30, 2012

    Just to let you know I tried to pick up canvas with the holiday discount but no luck and am unfortunatly pressed for time. I’ll check back soon (on holiday and between isp’s). Good luck with the glitch. I appreciate your intention with the donation to African Tails and hope more in your position choose that kind of involvement in the future.
    All the best to your crew in the new year.

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 31, 2012

      Hi Ernie,

      Sorry to hear of your troubles. Email us and we’ll organise something for you.

  37. Jimmor395
    dezembro 30, 2012

    I am not able to insert images in pages or posts with Canvas? I’m on WP 3.5. I can with other themes, but not with canvas. I’ve turned a ticket but haven’t heard anything yet. Has anybody else had a problem like this? I thought I needed to upgrade to the latest Canvas because of the WP change in WP 3.5, but, no luck?? Very Frustrating.

  38. JinRob
    dezembro 30, 2012

    Hello, I am trying to purchase “canvas” with coupon. is it available for it?
    I will also use canvas with buddypress.

    Let me know 😉

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 31, 2012

      The coupon applies to any of our themes, Canvas included.

      Please note though that our BuddyPress child theme has been discontinued.

  39. Ross
    dezembro 30, 2012


    Just wanted to say I’m sold on the Canvas theme, looks amazing in terms of flexibility.

    Great to see some charity efforts going on as well.

    Thanks and have a great new year.

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      dezembro 31, 2012

      Look forward to seeing a Canvas modification on one of your sites Ross!

  40. vikasvirarya
    janeiro 1, 2013

    happy new year for whole woothemes team
    may new year brings u lots of happiness to your families

    i am facing problem in my order

    Sorry, the transaction was declined.

    so plz help me

    waiting for ur response

  41. tony.romero
    janeiro 1, 2013

    I had been looking at woothemes for some time now and this sale was just the perfect moment to make me jump. I love what I see. Love the themes. Love woocommerce. Love the tutorials and documentation.

    Yes there was some weird timing issues making the session restart but I think some might have overblown the issue here. Nobody wants to loose costumers! So please let them get it fixed and relax! In any case, this is a lesson for all of us in ecommerce. Everything must be tight or you loose (some) costumers!!

    • tdawg852
      janeiro 2, 2013

      Hey Tony, any session time out issues should be sorted. Email us if we can help get a purchase through for you. 😉 – support[at]

      • tony.romero
        janeiro 3, 2013

        It all went good, it was just a matter of little patience. Downloaded my theme, fixed couple of issues and started configuring it right away! I’m really happy!

  42. prettina
    janeiro 1, 2013

    I am getting transaction declined error.My card works perfectly at other international sites.Can you tell me what to do?

    • William
      janeiro 2, 2013

      Man, I was really excited to buy this as I was between this and another framework. After I had coupon issues, I read the comments and my confidence is really shaken. I don’t want a lot of issues with the framework itself, and I mainly want to use woocommerce. I think I’m posting because I want you to talk me into buying this, although I’m not sure why I would admit that. Any users weigh in please??

      • Ryan Ray
        Woo staff
        janeiro 2, 2013

        Our purchase issues only came from a setting with our host, which is fixed now. The issues didn’t stem from our WooFramework, WooCommerce, or other products. 🙂

        Feel free to email us if we can calm any further worries! – support[at]

      • robolingua
        janeiro 2, 2013

        Two of my clients are using WooThemes WooCommerce and themes. Both are authors and one of them have one product in the store and the other one has three (all physical books). They are very happy with the easy of use, payment options and everything, so I can really recommend WooCommerce.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      janeiro 2, 2013

      Email us if you haven’t yet, we can fix that for you. – support[at]

  43. jameywarren
    janeiro 2, 2013

    I was able to buy plenty of extensions using this special offer and had zero problems with checkout.

    Also, WooCommerce has been pretty rock solid for me on several websites. As indicated here, my host plays a big part in my ability to take orders on the web. Seems like WooThemes has fixed the issue. Get your extensions before the coupon expires and go make business happen.

  44. woomeger
    janeiro 4, 2013

    There is a issue with the payment system. I’ve tried to purchase Canvas with all my 3 credit cards, I even call all my banks and all of them said that there is no request for the money, which means that the payment system had some issue.

    Then I fired 3 tickets and in the ticket section it was not mentioned that I submit even one ticket.

    Then I email various admin/info/contact/support emails and there is no response.

    Tell me how can I purchase your theme, all my credit cards are fine, I tested two of them just now. Crazy!!!

    Please if some admin see this, PLEASE email me back to the email assossiated with this usernam!!! I WANT TO PURCHASE !!!

  45. tonydaguk
    janeiro 6, 2013

    Missed the boat! Never mind.

  46. Mike
    janeiro 7, 2013

    ahh tooo late 🙁

  47. nbostic
    janeiro 8, 2013

    I tried back when the sale was technically available to purchase several WooCommerce extensions I probably wouldn’t buy otherwise and ran into the same problems as others. Tried cache/cookie/DNS clears on Mac, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Ubuntu. Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari (where applicable) and same problems as others describe (empty cart). I posted on your Facebook Page and was told to email support, which I did. It’s not been almost a week with no reply and I’m still having the same issues regardless of OS/Browser. I’d really like to give you people some money because I’ve had nothing but great experiences on my server, but the lack of a response from support and whoever manages your Facebook Page (I haven’t received a reply to my update that support isn’t responding) is making this an unnecessarily frustrating transaction. Since I’ve tried email and Facebook, perhaps a blog comment may help…

  48. mouservice
    fevereiro 13, 2013

    I’ll be using this fantastic offer to check out your developer package and lifetime support. Many thanks!


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