New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Discount Reminder for WooCommerce

Notify customers when products they are interested in go on sale with Discount Reminder for WooCommerce.

  • Allow customers to subscribe to products they want to buy at a discount
  • Send discount reminder emails to customers when their chosen products are on sale
  • Display a discount-reminder form in a popup box
  • Admin can view subscription details of all the products in a table
  • Enable discount reminder options for specific products or categories
  • Send customized emails for discount reminders
  • Customize the Discount Reminder button and form
  • Users can subscribe to products to get sale notifications

Notify Interested Customers about On-Sale Products

Discount Reminder for WooCommerce allows your customers to subscribe to products they are interested in buying at a discount.

Discount Reminder for WooCommerce enables a discount reminder option on shop and product pages. The popup box opens when a customer clicks the Discount Reminder button. You can offer various discount options to customers. For instance, they can choose to receive a discount reminder email when the product discount is 10%, 20%, or 30%. They can also enter a custom discount.

Customers can also specify how long they will wait for a discount, for example, three days or two weeks. Customers can also write additional notes for you to ask for specific requirements about the product. They must specify their email addresses to get discount-reminder emails.

Features Details

Allow your customers to subscribe to the products they want to buy at a discount

The subscription form asks customers to:

  • Provide their email addresses
  • Choose the discount options or price they want
  • Specify the amount of time they will wait for a discount in weeks, days, or months
  • Add an optional additional note

Notify customers via email when their products are on sale

Send email notifications to all subscribers with a single click when their products are available at the sale price.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Manage product subscriptions in one place

You can manage all product discount reminder subscriptions in one place. You can also view all the offers for each product by clicking the View Offers button.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Set sale price and notify customers

You can view the average amount of all the offers received for each product. Then set the price and send email notifications to eligible subscribers or all subscribers with one click.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Set Discount Reminder restrictions

This extension allows you to restrict Discount Reminder functionality to specific products, categories, and user roles.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Display Sale Reminder buttons on the shop and product pages

It provides you the ability to display the sale reminder button on shop and product pages.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Send customized emails for notifications

The sale reminder plugin allows you to send customized emails to product subscribers when:

  • They subscribed to the product
  • The product is on sale (sends emails to the eligible group, or all subscribers)

woocommerce discount reminder plugin
woocommerce discount reminder plugin
woocommerce discount reminder plugin

Customize Discount Reminder button and Popup form

This plugin allows you to customize the Discount Reminder button and popup form such as text, colors, and more, to match your theme.

woocommerce discount reminder plugin

woocommerce discount reminder plugin


  • Helps to engage customers on your online store
  • Helps to discover the ideal price for each product which can increase sales
  • Enhances the shopping experience of your online store
  • A great tool to notify interested customers about product discounts
  • Encourages potential customers to subscribe to the products they want to buy at a discount
