Zestard Easy Donation is perfect for organizations and individuals looking to gather funds and achieve their fundraising goals. Enhance your store’s revenue by making it effortless for your customers to donate to causes they support. You can easily integrate widget anywhere on Cart and checkout Page. Customers can choose to donate any amount they’d like, which will be added to their order total. With multilingual support, Easy Donation suits diverse needs, catering to businesses, NGOs, and religious institutions for a seamless and impactful donation experience.
Users can choose and see a donation report for every donation.
Each type of donation box offers a unique way to facilitate contributions, catering to different user preferences and ensuring a seamless donation experience.
With the Easy Donation Plugin, you’re not just adding a new feature; you’re giving your customers the opportunity to make a difference.
Set up is quick and easy no tech skills required. Just install the plugin, choose where you want the donation options to appear, and start making an impact. Your customers can add donations with just one click during checkout or on product pages.