Currently, only flat custom shipping line items can be added to subscriptions, but shipping cannot be recalculated based on shipping classes on a flat rate method or other methods. An action similar to the ‘Recalculate Taxes’ action where the same shipping method already on the order would be recalculated with all its rules (such as flat rate or table rates with classes) would work.
Ideally, subscriptions could be auto-updated with new shipping calculations before the renewal order is created so they are always up to date at time of renewal.
When using all products for WC along with WC subscriptions, customers are given the opportunity to edit existing subscriptions. shipping rates need to be recalculated when changes are made to the line items in the subscriptions as well. A trigger to enable that would be great.
Last updated: August 2, 2022
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This would be a great feature and will allow us to be able to automate shipping price updates with shipping rates and classes on existing subscribers automatically.