Quick product search with Product Filters
The ability to filter products in stores today is a necessity to make the search for goods more efficient. Users are accustomed to using this tool, and not offering it can hurt your store. The solution: Product Filters.
Statistics show that 75% of users leave a site if they do not find what they are looking for in 15 seconds. Make the process of searching for products simple and fast with Product Filters. Keep potential customers.
- Quick filtering of products using AJAX technology
- Filter by categories, attributes, tags, taxonomies, price, stock status
- Paginate and sort without reloading the page
- Elements: price slider, checkbox list, radio list, dropdown, color list, box list, text list and others
- Widgets “Products Filter” and “Notes for Product Filters”
- Shortcodes and integration with product shortcodes
- Adaptive filter options and product counts
- Adaptive product thumbnails