Mailchimp Banner Promo Product Page | Q3 2024

added by Mahrie for July $1 promo - product page specific link to Mailchimp pricing

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Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

Add Post ID and/or parent name to search results

After searching for a post, to restrict its content on the membership plans page, I only get the post title, not additionally the post ID or the parent post name (if available).
The problem here is following:
If you have some posts with same post title you cannot assign the results to the posts, because the names are the same. So you must use firebug or try our by yourown to see, if you selected the correct post.


Current Status


Last updated: December 20, 2016


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