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Advanced Notifications for WooCommerce

Easily setup "new order" and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing.

advanced notifications check for categories including parent

Update the extension to recognize parent categories (currently only recognizes subcategory).

Here’s an example of how this could work:

// Send “New Order” email to different address depending upon product category
// Source:
// Custom conditional function that checks for categories (including parent)
// The “successful” email addresses below are added to the addresses in WooCommerce > Settings > Email
/*function has_product_categories( $product_id, $categories ) {
// Initializing
$parent_term_ids = $categories_ids = array();
$taxonomy = ‘product_cat’;
// Convert categories term names and slugs to categories term ids
foreach ( $categories as $category ){
if( is_numeric( $category ) ) {
$categories_ids[] = (int) $category;
} elseif ( term_exists( sanitize_title( $category ), $taxonomy ) ) {
$categories_ids[] = get_term_by( ‘slug’, sanitize_title( $category ), $taxonomy )->term_id;
// Loop through the current product category terms to get only parent main category term
foreach( get_the_terms( $product_id, $taxonomy ) as $term ){
if( $term->parent > 0 ){
$parent_term_ids[] = $term->parent; // Set the parent product category
$parent_term_ids[] = $term->term_id; // (and the child)
} else {
$parent_term_ids[] = $term->term_id; // It is the Main category term and we set it.
return array_intersect( $categories_ids, array_unique($parent_term_ids) ) ? true : false;
// Adding custom recipients based on product categories
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_email_recipient_new_order’, ‘custom_email_recipient_new_order’, 10, 2 );
function custom_email_recipient_new_order( $recipient, $order ) {
// Not in backend when using $order (avoiding an error)
if( ! is_a($order, ‘WC_Order’) ) return $recipient;
// Define the email recipients / categories pairs in the array
$recipients_categories = array(
//’’ => ‘greytown’,
//’’ => ‘silverstream’,
‘’ => ’60’,
‘’ => ’59’,
// Loop through order items
foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
// Loop through defined product categories
foreach ( $recipients_categories as $email => $category ) {
if( has_product_categories( $item->get_product_id(), array( $category ) ) && strpos($recipient, $email) === false ) {
$recipient .= ‘,’ . $email;
return $recipient;



Current Status


Last updated: May 6, 2020


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