BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

Added by Marketing - Russell L

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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Allow the user/customer to set their next renewal date from the my account page.


I would like my customers to be able to change their next renewal date from their my account > view subscription page.

Very often the customers call me to change the next-shipment date of their subscription.

I am able to do this from the wordpress admin for them by editing the subscription and configuring the next shipment date based on their request. However It would be nice If we could give them the ability to do this for themselves.

I understand that same-day or even next-day renewal dates may not be possible with this feature.

Perhaps if we could provide the customer with a calendar pop-up to select when they would like the next iteration of their subscription to renew.

I believe this feature would be greatly appreciated by all who use this plugin, as most other subscription services offer this ability to the customer.



Current Status


Last updated: July 5, 2023

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  1. buildandbakeltd says:

    Any response from the Woo team? Is this being looked into at all?