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Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Boost sales and customer loyalty. Create advanced discounts, sell gift cards, set BOGO deals, give store credits, and all types of rule based dynamic discounts with this all-in-one Smart Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.

Allow users to customise the styling and position of Smart Coupon’s store notice

Before a recent update in late 2024/early 2025, the Smart Coupons store notice feature simply replaced the native WooCommerce store notice, meaning that customisation of its position and styling were handled by theme settings.
Since that date, the Smart Coupons store notice is now a “banner” which appears only at the bottom of the screen, with no option to customise the position or styling without adding custom CSS. Please allow us to control these features from the plugin dashboard instead.



Current Status


Last updated: January 9, 2025


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