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PayPal Braintree

by  Woo
Accept PayPal, credit cards and debit cards with a single payment gateway solution — PayPal Powered by Braintree.

Braintree Gateway Plugin Improvement

I came across an issue whilst developing a new site for a client. We have a customised checkout template and it involves moving the payment methods container to another place on the page (outside of the #order_review container.

The result of this is that it caused a generic payment gateway error to be generated (even when there was no error to report) and prevented the user-friendly error messages from being displayed. On investigation it seems that the plugin’s php and js required the payment gateway to be within the #order_review container.

Can I suggest that this is modified to instead target the #payment container to resolve these issues? For our project we have had to rename the original #order_review container and then wrap the #payment container in another one with the id ‘order_review’ to overcome the issues.




Current Status


Last updated: February 12, 2016


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