New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Google for WooCommerce

Promote your products across Google - from Search to YouTube and beyond. So you can reach the right customers to make the most of your peak season.

Compability with Appointment Booking Type of Product

Compatibility with Appointment Booking Type of Product

Currently, many tour operators, car rentals, hotels and other services use woocommerce booking and appointments in my country.

It would be perfect for Google Listins And Ads, if it could support it for free ads as well as paid ads.

So it will be very helpful for owners to set up ads in Google Listings and Ads for the Booking Appoitnment product category.

I hope that, in the next update, this feature can be present in Google Listings and Ads.

Thank you in advance.
Can’t wait for it to come.


Current Status


Last updated: December 31, 2021


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