New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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WISDM Customer Specific Pricing for WooCommerce

Set customer, role, or group-specific prices sitewide, on product categories or on individual products. apply the cart discounts based on the cart value.

Does not work with Woocommerce Subscriptions

This plugin is not compatible with Woocommerce Subscriptions, a core extension by and for Woocommerce.

1. When customer changes frequency or renews now in their account page, a different price to what is agreed in initial Subscription shows up at check out (when general price has been changed since the subscription started). When the subscription renews the new amount is not authorised (by card issuer) when the price has been increased.

2. The prices in the cart per alternative frequency is shown wrongly when it comes to tax and the frequency description is not shown. (see snip)




Current Status


Last updated: October 23, 2023


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