New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Product Vendors for WooCommerce

Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace

Email to Vendor when order status changed into Processing, not immediately

WooCommerce Product Vendors plugin existing functionality:
Whenever an order is submitted, an email is sent to each of the Vendors whose products were part of the order.

Desired functionality:
Whenever an order’s status is changed into Processing (after receiving banklink payment for example or payment via bank transfer), an email is sent to each of the Vendors whose products were part of the order.

When order is submitted, the money for it might not have been received by the shop yet (for example, in case buyer used payment option of wire transfer and hasn’t completed it yet). When money is received in the bank account, the order status is changed to Processing either automatically or by an assistant. If buyer uses a payment option that ensures that money is paid (for example, using online bank link), order status will be Processing as soon as order is made.


Current Status


Last updated: November 26, 2019


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