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Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

by  Woo
Advanced, flexible shipping. Define multiple shipping rates based on location, price, weight, shipping class or item count.

Export/Import of rate tables for Table Rate Shipping

Table Rate Shipping seems to have become the catch-all for shipping conditions, and while it can handle some complex functionality, having to enter complex rule sets through the web UI is incredibly time consuming. I have a spreadsheet for a project with 2,000+ dealers – each with their own shipping cost per postal code. I *should* be able to import the cost and the postal code into Table Rate Shipping, but there’s no facility to do so, so my only option seems to be creating 2,000+ shipping zones one at a time through the web UI, which just isn’t feasible.

Being able to create a rule as a template, export it to CSV, then fill out the remainder of the rules in a spreadsheet like Excel and import back into TBShipping as a CSV would make these kinds of rule sets almost trivial.

It would make a lot of our lives so, so much easier, and make things possible that are just frustratingly impractical right now.



Current Status


Last updated: September 12, 2023


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