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Royal Mail Shipping Method for WooCommerce

Offer Royal Mail shipping rates to your customers.

Follow standard VAT rules

This plugin follows how Royal Mail charges VAT on their postage and cannot be overridden in the settings. This applies to 1st class, 2nd class, special delivery guaranteed, signed for, and international services. Only domestic tracked services have VAT applied at 20%.

This is correct if buying services directly from Royal Mail. However, as a VAT registered business we must charge our customer VAT at the same rate as the rest of their goods. This plugin overrides the amount of VAT we need to charge the customer.

Changing the Taxable setting on the plugin only allows the tracked services to be charged VAT, where it should apply tax to all services according to the tax rules set up by the admin within Woocommerce.

If this is not possible, then a third setting to add this functionality would be greatly appreciated. We are currently having to pay the tax on the Royal Mail postage to HMRC, but we have no way to charge it because the plugin does not honor our settings.


Leigh Gray

Current Status


Last updated: January 25, 2023


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