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Donation for WooCommerce

Donation for WooCommerce makes creating, managing, and monitoring donation campaigns easy, offering you all the tools to inspire generosity and raise funds effectively!

Free choice for monthly payments

Best team of Donation for WooCommerce,

Great and seamless integration for WooCommerce and other plugins. I use the plugin for my customer a non-profit organization. We use Donation for WooCommerce in combination with Subscriptions for WooCommerce.

We would like to have it visually more attractive for the user that when chosen a once time or monthly payments, that the options available (days, frequency and duration) will hide or display when checkbox is checked.

Looking forward for your reply. Hope to see these changes in future updates. if you had any further questions maybe related to this, I’m happy to help.

Kind regards,
Terry Elemans



Current Status


Last updated: January 23, 2024


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