I have just installed the version 1.221 of WooCommerce Services. I use the plugin to create shipping labels. I spend about $20,000 annually for shipping through the WooCommerce Shipping plugin.
I ship domestically with 4×6 labels and internationally with letter-size labels. The new plugin does not appear to give me a selection of paper sizes when creating a label, I have to return to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > WooCommerce Services to change the paper size each time. That is a real problem.
Second, the new plugin will only allow me to create a single mailing label. Quite often, I will have to make an additional shipment to a customer at a later date (for replacement parts, or an add-on item). I used to be able to print a second mailing label from the order page. I can no longer do that. Again, this is a real drag.
I have installed the previous version of WooCommerce Services and I will watch for these features to be re-incorporated into the plugin.
Last updated: November 19, 2019
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