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WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings

Book accommodation using WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

Multiple Person options for multiple resources

I’m using woocommerce booking’s accommodation add on. I’m trying to create 1 product named Supreme Suites with 3 room types. This product should have multiple resources (i.e: 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom).

Each resource should be a different block price which works fine. However, each resource should have a different number of max persons (i.e: 1 bedroom – max 2 persons, 2 bedroom – max 4 persons, 3 bedroom – max 6 persons). This doesn’t work, I’m only able to add 1 minimum and maximum number of persons for this product. So currently I’m forced to list each bedroom as a separate product to handle the different number of persons allowed. It would be great if the number of minimum and maximum person for each resource could be defined separately.


Current Status


Last updated: October 15, 2019


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