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WooCommerce Brands

Create, assign and list brands for products, and allow customers to view by brand.

Shortcode to Display Brand Name & Description If Description Is Populated

The shortcode would work like [product_brand_list show_empty_brands=”false”] but might be something like this:

[product_brand_name product_brand_description show_empty_descriptions=”false”]

It would display a list of brands with Name in an h1.entry-title style and Descriptions (like it looks on the individual brand page). Would be cool to have the option to make the image/logo visible, too.

Addendum: I discovered I could use [product_brand_thumbnails_description] for this purpose, but it needed some CSS finessing to hide the bullets. Shortcodes embedded in the description don’t work, and an embedded image replaces the thumbnail/logo, so I had to strip out shortcodes and embedded images. And there’s no way to hide if the Description is empty.



Current Status


Last updated: August 21, 2019


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