Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Stock Manegement on courses and membresies with Woocommerce Subscriptions

For those using Woocommerce Subscriptions along with any membresy or E-learning plugin: if you want to keep limited course or membresy places is possible to set up that limit using product or variation stock BUT on the case of a monthly membresy you will get your variation or product stock reduced which is not desirable as the intention is to control places and renewals are reducing your available places for new subscribers or even renewals could fail if there are not available stock.
There is a workaround, using but just helps a little as it doesn’t work with manual added subscriptions.
I think it’s a desirable core funtion for the plugin: to be able to setup if stock should apply just on first purchase or in renews as well.


Current Status


Last updated: December 1, 2021


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