Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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WooCommerce Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Update email to an existing Subscription (Improvement)

Currently, a customer can update their email via the Account Details page in the billing section but it will not update their email associated with their subscription. This causes issues with payment retry notifications and can cause a customer service issue with frustrated customers.

I would link everything together or allow the customer to be able to update their email associated with their subscriptions from the Account Details Page.



Current Status


Last updated: May 26, 2021


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  1. lecaregmbh says:

    I have now solved the problem like this:

    When changing the billing address, there is a checkbox at the bottom. “Update the Billing Address used for all future renewals of my active subscriptons”.

    I now set this checkbox to checked by default.

    “jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    if( jQuery(‘#update_all_subscriptions_addresses’).length ) {
    jQuery(‘#update_all_subscriptions_addresses’).prop(‘checked’, true);


  2. lecaregmbh says:

    this is no feature request, this is a bug!

  3. yaidier says:

    Is anyone of support going to address this issue?

  4. bullseyegraphicsrob says:

    Not looking forward to trying to explain this to my clients

  5. Anthony Gatehouse says:

    Agreed, this is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed.

  6. bogoobooks says:

    +1 to this suggestion! -seems like a basic feature that has been complete overlooked.

  7. slipperx says:

    Yes – unbelievable that updating your email address does not update it throughout the system. We have just experienced the problem and cannot as yet see how to fix it as there are no edit facilities on the subscriptions page. This is basic and needs fixing fast. If anyone knows how to get the subscriptions plugin to change the email address associated with a subscription please share!

  8. troygrady says:

    I’d like to second this. The problem here is that it’s not obvious to the user that there even *is* a separate email for their subscription, or where/how to change it. So they don’t know why they’re not getting emails when they should, and they end up emailing support. Heck, we’re reasonably technical as WordPress developers and even *we* didn’t know why this was happening until we looked into it.