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Clone Orders for WooCommerce

Make copies of existing orders to quickly insert similar orders

The Clone Orders extension adds functionality for duplicating orders to streamline the process of adding similar orders quickly.

Use Cases

Having the power to duplicate orders lets you to build efficient processes and handle customer requests more quickly. This includes scenarios such as:

  • Handling exchanges for customers: Refund the returned items on the original order, clone to a new empty order, and add the exchanged item. You can then follow your usual order fulfillment process with the new order and your reporting will still be accurate.
  • Manually inserting the same (or a similar) order for multiple customers: Create it once, then clone as many times as needed, just updating the customer details as required.
  • Receiving repeat purchase orders from existing customers: Duplicate their last order and update as required to speed up an otherwise slow and tedious process.
Clone button in order interface
Click the clone order button to create a copy.
Clone modal with option to include line items
Optionally select whether to include line items in the clone, or keep it empty.
Order listing screen with clone action buttons
Initiate a clone straight from the order listing screen.

With the Clone Orders extension, accelerate your existing processes: handle exchanges efficiently and manually input repeat orders quickly. Streamlined processes save precious time — and help to deliver a positive customer experience.

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