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Custom Pricing for WooCommerce

Allow shoppers to choose or name their own prices to conduct pricing research, sell old inventory, or fundraise with the Custom Pricing extension.

  • Discover how much users want to pay for your products and price your products based on your findings.
  • Collect donations from your users without setting up a separate donation system.
  • Clear unwanted inventory when you allow users to pay whatever they want.


  • Works with simple and variable products
  • Works for members and guests
  • Create unlimited rules
  • Set Minimum price, Maximum price and Recommended price based on a Fixed Amount or Percentage of Product Price
  • Set Custom Price as mandatory or Optional for the product
  • Works for eligible products and, or whole categories
  • Restrictions you define
  • Supported price input and selection types:
    • Text
    • Button
    • Dropdown
  • Option to set custom pricing products on a global level(using rule) or product level
  • You can hide some Payment gateways for Custom Pricing Product
  • Option to redirect the custom price product directly to the checkout page when clicking the Add to Cart on the single product page
  • Option to hide regular Price or Sales Price
  • Option to display Tag/Badge for the custom pricing products on shop & product pages
  • Option for the Site Admin to optionally include tax costs for Custom Pricing Products
  • Optionally include shipping costs for Custom Pricing Products
  • Color customization options available for custom pricing product display
  • Messages and frontend labels are customizable
  • Admin Reports tracking prices paid by users
  • Translation ready

How does Custom Pricing work?

Buying with Text input

To purchase a product, the user:

  1. Views a product page
  2. Enters their preferred price
  3. Adds the product to their cart
  4. Goes to the checkout page and completes the purchase

Text input

Custom Pricing – Text Field

Buying with Button options

To purchase a product, the user:

  1. Views a product page
  2. Selects a price button from several price-button choices
  3. Adds the product to their cart
  4. Goes to the checkout page and completes the purchase

Button selection

Custom Pricing – Button Field

Buying with Dropdown-menu options

To purchase a product, the user:

  1. Views a product page
  2. Selects a price from a dropdown menu
  3. Adds the product to their cart
  4. Goes to the checkout page and completes the purchase

Dropdown selection

Custom Pricing – Dropdown Field


Site admins get detailed reports with the following information:

  • Products configured with Custom Pricing
  • Names and emails of users
  • Amounts paid users
  • Average amounts paid for products
Admin Reports – Overview Page
Admin Reports – View Details Page

Customer reviews