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File Upload for WooCommerce

Allow customers to upload files with orders and charge optional fees for uploads with File Upload for WooCommerce.

  • Allow customers to upload files 
  • Allow customers to customize products by file uploads
  • Earn additional revenue by attaching a fee to file upload
  • Obtain required documents from file uploads
  • Approve / Disapprove Files from the backend

Customization Flexibility

Allowing customers to upload files can be really helpful when you offer customizable products. Customers can directly provide image references, requirement documents, or design inspirations. Personalized products created according to customer preferences can not only increase conversions but also significantly reduce cart abandonment.

Increased Revenue Opportunities

Since you can charge a fee for file attachments, this provides an extra revenue generation opportunity. Customers are always willing to pay for a product that is tailored according to their requirements; hence, charging extra for product customizations can increase revenue significantly.

Competitive Advantage

Do you also feel that the competition in your niche is ever-expanding, and you don’t seem to be able to figure out how to gain a competitive advantage? If yes, then File Upload for WooCommerce is the key to getting that competitive advantage. Offer product customization to gain an edge over your competitors.

Seamless Integration

This extension allows seamless integration of the file upload field on product, cart, and checkout pages. In addition, the upload file field is now compatible with cart and checkout blocks, which ensures its smooth integration regardless of the WordPress/WooCommerce version in use.

User-Friendly Interface

File upload’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for customers to attach files to their orders. Additionally, with the introduction of the “drag-n-drop” feature now, customers can easily upload files without using any file explorer by just dragging the file directly over the product page.

Allow Customers to Upload Files with Orders

Does your store create custom orders or sell a product or service which requires customer documentation? The File Upload for WooCommerce extension gives your customers the option to upload files with their orders.

File Upload for WooCommerce also gives store owners the ability to require uploads (make them mandatory) and the option to charge fees for uploads. You can charge fees based on a percentage or a fixed amount. Store owners can charge a fee for all uploads or a separate fee for each upload.

File Upload for WooCommerce adds an Upload button to pages you assign that may include product, Cart, Checkout, or order-detail pages.

Who needs a file upload option?

Personalized products

Stores that sell made-to-order products, like custom printing, may need customers to upload event details or a company logo to complete an order.

Legal requirements

Some stores require legal documentation before allowing orders. A store might need proof of age or a copy of a buyer’s wholesale or tax information to complete an order or create an account. File Upload for WooCommerce gives store owners the option of requiring an upload of information before the customer adds items to their carts or places an order.


  • Create rules to allow file uploads from:
    • Product pages
    • Cart pages
    • Checkout pages
    • Order detail pages (My-Account)
  • Option to add extra fees for uploaded files in fixed or percentage amounts
  • Add a one-time or per-file fee
  • Enable single or multiple file uploads
  • Display file upload options for selected:
    • Products
    • Categories
    • User roles
    • Order statuses (file upload from the order-detail page only)
  • Add minimum and maximum file sizes for upload
  • Approve/disapprove uploaded files from the backend (New)
  • Send email Notification to the customer on file approval or disapproval (New)
  • Allow customers to drag and drop files for upload (New)
  • Allow specific file formats like PDF, DOCX, XLS, etc.
  • Make file uploads mandatory or optional
  • Restrict uploading new or editing existing files from order-detail pages
  • Storefront design improvements (New)
  • Display message field with file upload
  • Add a privacy policy checkbox and message
  • Option to let customers download their uploaded files
  • Create custom file- upload errors and success messages
  • Add a custom file upload icon
  • Customize colors for file upload buttons, text, trash icons, and more
  • Compatible with cart and checkout blocks (New)

Rule-based management

File Upload for WooCommerce allows you to create multiple rules to display file upload options for specific products, categories, user roles, order statuses, and more. You can customize file upload size, quantity, format, fees, and other settings while creating new rules.

Multiple file-upload positions

Depending on your business requirements, you can enable a file upload button on a specific product, cart, checkout, or order-detail pages. If the file upload is mandatory, the extension will not allow customers to move to the next step unless they upload a file.

File upload on the Product page

File upload on the Cart page

File upload on the Checkout page

Charge additional fees

Charge customers an additional for file uploads. You can apply a fixed or percentage fee and charge it a single time or for each file uploaded.

File size, quantity, and type restrictions

The store admin can limit file sizes and quantities when they create a new file-upload rule. They can also decide which file types to allow.

File message and disclaimer

You can add a description box to the upload process to allow customers to share instructions with their files. You can also require customers to agree to a store policy (like a privacy policy) before completing their uploads.

Manage uploaded files

Customize visibility options to manage file display positions once uploaded by the customer. For example, if the file uploads from the Product page, you can display the uploaded file in the Cart, Checkout, and Thank You pages, and the order-detail page under My Account.


Minimum PHP version: 5.2

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