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Hide Paid Shipping Methods for WooCommerce

Hide costly shipping methods when Free Shipping is available with the Hide Paid Shipping Methods plugin for WooCommerce.

Hide Other Shipping Methods when Free Shipping is Available

Hide costly shipping methods when Free Shipping is available with the Hide Paid Shipping Methods plugin for WooCommerce.

Customers prefer free shipping. So, when they meet your requirements for free shipping you can hide other shipping methods with the Hide Paid Shipping Methods plugin for WooCommerce.

If customers see other shipping costs, they may not understand their purchase will ship free. As a result, they might shop around for a better shipping rate. Avoid customer confusion and increase conversions by hiding other shipping methods.


  • Removes other shipping options when Free Shipping is available
  • Option to display certain shipping options with Free Shipping, like Local Pickup
  • Reduces cart abandonment
  • Hides shipping methods like UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL, and more

Before and after comparison of disabling shipping methods except for free shipping in WooCommerce

Before and after comparison with all shipping methods disabled except for Free Shipping

Customers LOVE free shipping!

Improve the usability of your site and make things easy for your customers. Increase your customer’s satisfaction and conversions with Hide Paid Shipping Methods.


Minimum PHP version: 5.6

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