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Invoice Payment Option for WooCommerce

Order Now and Pay Later! Allow your customers to select invoice payment option during checkout to place orders. Add conditions to show invoice payment options for specific products, categories, countries, cart total, user roles and more.

WooCommerce Invoice Payment Option extension enables you to add a new invoice payment method to let customers place orders without making any payment. Display the new payment option based on user roles, product in cart, order amount, quantity and other conditions.

You can rename the payment method to Pay Later, Pay by Invoice or give it any other name that suits your business requirements. Once the order is placed, the customer will receive the standard WooCommerce order email. If needed, you can also attach invoice PDF with the order emails.

After the order and payment confirmation, you can send a direct payment link using the default WooCommerce feature to let customers pay using the default WooCommerce checkout process. Alternately, you can choose to receive payment via other channels such as banking checks, cash on delivery, etc.

Use Cases:

The following are use cases where this extension can be extremely helpful but not limited to!

B2B Orders:

When working with a company, they usually require an invoice before making the payment. Using this extension, you can allow your customers to place an order without payment. The admin can later on send the payment link to merchants to receive payment via WooCommerce default checkout.

Bulk Orders:

When placing bulk orders, the customers are sometimes reluctant to pay upfront and need assurance before paying. The extension allows them to place orders and once confirmed, they can proceed with the payment.

Features of WooCommerce Invoice Payment Method

  • Automatically creates new payment method “Pay by Invoice”
  • Customize title, description and default order status
  • Create multiple rules to show invoice payment method based on
    • Customers and user roles
    • Specific products, categories or tags
    • Minimum & maximum order quantity and amount
    • Country, state, city and zip codes
    • Shipping method
  • Generate and attach PDF invoice with orders emails (New)
  • Separate email notification for customer and admin when order is placed using invoice payment option  (New)

Customize payment method label:

Once the extension is installed, you can configure the newly created invoice payment method from WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. You can customize the label and other details of the payment method. You can also configure the default order status for orders placed using this payment option.

The invoice payment method appears along with other payment methods on the front-end.

Trigger Invoice Payment based on various condition:

You can create multiple rules to trigger the invoice payment option based on variations conditions like product in cart, order amount, user roles, country and more.

While creating a new rule, you can configure the following options:

  • Add rule title
  • Select shipping method (enable invoice payment option for selected shipping method)
  • Enable invoice payment for virtual products
  • Enable for selected customers and user roles
  • Enable for specific cart quantity and amount range
  • Enable for specific product, product category and tags
  • Show to selected countries, states, cities or zip codes

Invoice PDF

You can attach a customizable PDF invoice with the orders placed using this “Invoice Payment Method”. The extension offers 3 different PDF templates to choose from. You can customize the PDF content and color scheme to match your business needs.

Using the extension settings, you can trigger separate email notifications for both customer and merchants when an order is placed using the invoice payment option.


Minimum PHP version: 5.2

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